2nd Annual Delta Days at the New Hampshire Capitol

On March 29th, Pi Theta hosted the 2nd Annual Delta Days at the New Hampshire Capitol virtually via Microsoft Teams. Inspired by the Eastern Region’s priorities, we centered our event on the critical issues of environmental justice in New Hampshire. Pi Theta’s 2023 Delta Days at the New Hampshire Capitol, themed 'H2(N)O: The Water Crisis in New Hampshire,' featured Brandon Kernen, Administrator of New Hampshire's Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau, and Senator David Watters as panelists

Extensive research by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Bar revealed elevated levels of Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS) in New Hampshire's drinking water, particularly affecting rural residents. These synthetic chemicals can pose significant health risks. History has proven that water-related issues tend to have the greatest impacts on underserved communities and specifically, communities of color.

Recognizing the disproportionate impact of water-related issues on underserved communities, including communities of color, we felt compelled to engage with state representatives who possess the influence to raise awareness and drive policy changes. The event included an informative presentation led by our chapter members, shedding light on the state's water quality challenges, followed by a moderated Q&A session that allowed our 33 attendees to interact with their state representatives.

Our Takeaways

  • New Hampshire has many environmental challenges: older housing stocks that have a build-up of asbestos and lead paint as well as naturally occurring trace metals in our drinking water place the state at a disadvantage.

  • The state has been proactive in managing the spread of PFAS; in 2019, New Hampshire made its own drinking water standards for PFAS - a standard that did not exist on the federal level at the time.

  • A $50M bond fund was created under legislation that supports PFAS work for public and private water wells.

  • Legislation has also been passed on PFAS management in furniture and carpeting which disproportionately impacts lower-income communities as well as on lead management in paint and pipes.

Furthermore, Pi Theta intends to continue its advocacy on the water crisis in the following ways:

  • Inquire about the water quality, lead pipes, and the chemicals being used on our green spaces at Dartmouth College.

  • Engage in activism with local organizations such as Clean Water Action NH and Rights & Democracy NH.

  • Utilize New Hampshire’s ‘Be Well informed’ Guide to understand how our local water quality compares to healthy standards.

  • Voice our issues with elected officials - mayors, state representatives, senators, and executive councilors.

  • Connect with medical researchers at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center to understand the impacts of harmful chemicals in drinking water.

In regards to our Delta Days at the New Hampshire Capitol event, we were extended an invitation to the New Hampshire State Capitol by Senator David Watters, who was so impressed and inspired by our passion for social justice, for our 2024 Delta Days event. Thus, we intend to have our third annual Delta Days event in person at the State Capitol where we’ll raise awareness and engage in discourse regarding another relevant issue.

As the sole collegiate chapter to host a Delta Days event, we are committed to expanding our impact within Dartmouth College, the Upper Valley, and beyond.

For those that couldn’t make it you can find the slideshow presentation HERE

Ayanna Polk (Tri-State Social Action chair), Lesli Isaac (Pi Theta’s Primary Advisor), Michellana Jester (Pi Theta’s Secondary Advisor), Roxann Cooke, and chapter members.

Scannable QR code to EPA’s page on environmental risks of PFAS from chapter-led presentation during 2023 Delta Days Event.

Sarah Williams (Pi Theta’s Social Action Chair), Brandon Kernen, and NH Senator David Watters during Q&A.

RecapsPi Theta